Boost student learning with healthy breakfast choices

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but too many kids can’t or don’t eat it. Three out of four teachers say they teach kids who regularly come to school hungry.

Why should your school make breakfast a priority? Students who regularly eat a good breakfast: 

Milk, apple and granola bar
  • score 17.5% higher on standardized math tests 

  • have better attendance 

  • are more attentive and have fewer behavioral problems 

  • have higher graduation rates 

  • are more likely to be at a healthy weight. 

Maybe you already knew all that. Maybe you have a school breakfast program, but not enough students take advantage of it. There are many challenges to traditional meal service in the cafeteria before the morning bell, so why not trying fitting breakfast into the school day after the final morning bell?

Flyer about the benefits of breakfast

What if we told you that schools that implemented breakfast in the classroom saw participation increase to as much as 98%? Or that 79% of high schools that tried a “grab and go” style breakfast saw a significant increase? Have you ever even heard of “second chance breakfast”? Schools that use it have seen an average increase of 15-40% participation.

Learn more about these alternative breakfast programs, schools’ success stories, and how to overcome common objections and win staff support in our newest guide, “Healthy Students Achieve More: 3 Ways to Fuel Kids’ Brains for Academic Success.” 

brown bag breakfast with apple and bottle of water, a boy and girl eating breakfast, and a cup overflowing with fresh fruit