5 fitness activities you can do anywhere, anytime

You don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment to get an hour of physical activity each day. You can exercise without equipment, with limited time and little space using these five activities. Try them when you need a burst of energy at work, school, home—or anywhere!

Kneeling push-ups

Start with your knees on the ground, feet lifted and your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Put your body into a kneeling plank position. You can also do these on the wall to start or on your toes as you gain more strength. 


Illustration of a person doing a plank

Start by lying face down. Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest and prop yourself onto your toes and forearms. Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag toward the ground. These can also be done in a kneeling position. Start by holding this position for 10 seconds and work your way up to a longer time. 


Sit back like you are sitting in a chair, bending at the knees, hinging at the waist and putting your weight in your heels. Be careful not to extend your knees over your toes. REturn to standing once you have reached a comfortable range of motion. Taking care of your knees? Don’t go as far down into the squat, or use a chair behind you. Slowly sit back on the edge of the chair and then return to a standing position.

Jumping jacks

Start out with this move by stepping one foot out, then the other. As you feel comfortable, work up to jumping both feet out at one time and bring your arms out into a “V” position at the same time. Great for warming up your muscles. 

Running in place

Just starting out? March in place and build up to a jog. Keep it up for 10-30 seconds. This simple exercise gets the heart pumping and works important muscles. 

Content provided by Let’s Go! “Top Five Anywhere Exercises.” 

Looking for ways to get active at work? 

Workplaces with wellness programs—including those that encourage physical activity during the workday—see measurable benefits in reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, improved recruiting and retention, and a better bottom line. Find out how employers are helping staff get more active in our guide, 5 Simple Steps to Increase Physical Activity at Work

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