Outdoor Equipment and Safety
At Jump IN for Healthy Kids, we are very happy that it’s summer. Long sunny days, warm weather, and outdoor activities allow for some wonderful family time, physical activity, and just plain fun. Before you hop on that bike or send the kids out to the swing set, we wanted to share with you some tips to help ensure that the outdoor equipment you’re using is safe.

When you first pull your child’s bike out of the garage, take a good look at its size. Your child has likely grown an inch or two over the winter, and the bike may be too small. Schwinn offers guidelines to followfor frame size and wheel size. Two Wheelin’ Tots offers a more detailed tool to determine what kind of bike is best for your child. What about your child’s helmet? A good fitting helmet is one of the best ways to protect your child. Kaiser Permanente has some good tools for selecting the right helmet and making sure your child’s helmet fits properly.
Let’s take a look at your swing set in the back yard or your local playground. It’s important to take the time to be sure that the structure is secure, and hasn’t suffered any deterioration over the winter. Tighten the bolts, make sure the area is level, and look around to gauge the fall zone – clear anything that’s too close the play structure. The area around the play structure should be clear of debris and provide a safe landing area should a child fall. Playground One has some good play structure safety tips.
It’s important for children to get at least an hour of physical activity every day and this time of year, getting plenty of outdoor activity should be easy. Be safe, and don’t forget sunscreen and plenty of water. Now get outside and have fun!
Topics: Outdoor Activity, Physical Activity
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