Celebrate Valentine’s Day with good health

Team up to make healthy choices your family’s love language There are lots of benefits when families make a regular practice of eating together and playing together. Kids who regularly eat with their families are more likely to eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. For many families, meal time may be the only time in…

Dad and son cook together

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What Schools Can Do about Childhood Obesity

Why should schools get involved? Four of every ten kids in central Indiana struggle with overweight and obesity. National surveys find that 74% of high school students don’t get enough daily physical activity, 39% eat less than one serving of fruit per day, 41% eat less than one vegetable per day, and theat kids spend,…

Kids show off the Healthiest Cities award

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What Role Do Child Care Providers Play in Obesity Prevention?

Early childhood efforts reach children at critical ages Young children are not exempt from the nationwide childhood obesity epidemic. The prevalence of obesity among U.S. preschoolers has doubled in recent decades. It may be tempting to dismiss the numbers and assume that very young children will outgrow their weight challenges, but research suggests otherwise. Preschoolers…

Young children visit a greenhouse

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New year, right time for 5-2-1-0

Make a resolution you can keep It’s that time of year when we find ourselves making resolutions to improve ourselves and our lives. One common resolution: getting healthier, which often includes losing weight. This time of year we are bombarded with fad diets promising quick results, but how do you know what’s best or what’s…

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