Happy Holidays from Jump IN for Healthy Kids
A simple list of healthy activities for the holidays
We at Jump IN for Healthy Kids wish you and yours a very happy, safe, relaxing, and healthy holiday winter break. We’ve compiled a few items that you can put to use over the next couple of weeks, whether you’re snowed in, outside adventuring in the ice and snow, or trying to whip up some yummy treats – each suggestion below is a healthy choice!
Cooped up inside? Put those screens to work for you by helping you get a little activity.
1) GoNoodle – This website (or app) is fun physical activity for the whole family. In increments of 2-10 minutes, pick something that suits your mood or your family’s style, and jump/dance away! Click on “GoNoodle for Families” and you have full access for free. We particularly love the Harlem Globetrotters segments and the Blazer Fresh guys. The Vamos GoNoodle channel (click on the Channels dropdown) offers videos en Espanol!

Heading out into the cold/snow/ice? Here’s a tool to help you find outdoor winter activities near you.
2) This up-to-date guide from Visit Indiana shows you where to find ice skating, hiking, tobogganing, and more. Bundle up and don’t forget to hydrate with water (stay away from sugary drinks – they don’t hydrate you well and add empty calories).

Mastering some gourmet dishes on your list for the holiday?
Take some lessons from our friends at The Produce Moms – they help you ensure your plate is at least half-filled with fruits and vegetables and offer some very cute produce-related holiday crafts as well.
Remember at the holidays (and always) to stick to the basics:

Making health a priority is a wonderful gift we can give ourselves and our loved ones – it’s always in style and one size fits all. So enjoy, cheers to you, and we’ll see you for a healthy 2023.
Topics: 5210, Healthy Celebrations, Healthy Eating, Outdoor Activity, Physical Activity
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