A simple list of healthy activities for the holidays We at Jump IN for Healthy Kids wish you and yours a very happy, safe, relaxing, and healthy holiday winter break. We’ve compiled a few items that you can put to use over the next couple of weeks, whether you’re snowed in, outside adventuring in the…
Choose a handful of national holidays to showcase your wellness efforts and reinforce healthy habits Every day is a good day to make healthy choices like eating fruits and veggies, limiting screen time, getting active for at least an hour, and drinking more water. But national observances provide opportunities to celebrate our progress and amp…
This Saturday, February 17 is the official Random Acts of Kindness Day. What will you do to celebrate? We’re excited to tell you about a school that replaced its unhealthy celebration habit with a very special new tradition. Celebrating with students and staff is an important part of a school’s culture. But have you ever stopped…
5-2-1-0 is an easy-to-understand concept created by Let’s Go! Maine to help parents, children, educators, childcare providers, and others remember four important healthy living recommendations. The idea is to encourage kids and adults to incorporate these simple steps into their lives every day: 5 fruits and vegetables, 2 hours or less of screen time, 1 hour of physical…
When Jump IN was stood up as an organization in 2014, it was given the task of reducing childhood overweight and obesity in central Indiana from 43% to 38% over ten years, by 2025. If nothing is done to address this growing public health crisis, research tells us that by 2025, the rate will grow…