Hoosiers for Good Pairs up with Jump IN
Hoosiers For Good partners charitable organizations with student athletes who use their influence and leadership to help Indiana communities thrive. We are thrilled to announce that Jump IN has been selected as one of 18 organizations to pair up with IU Hoosier athletes for this year’s class. IU Women’s Diver Tarrin Gililand and IU Water Polo player Haley Hunter will help raise awareness for our mission to help kids and families make healthy choices. Welcome to the team, @haleshunter and @tarringililand!
Partnering student athletes with charities helps both gain recognition, awareness, and helps position both for growth – online and in communities. You can read the IndyStar story here to learn about Hoosiers for Good and how Hoosier athletes have been matched with different local nonprofit organizations.
We are proud to introduce the Hoosier athletes paired with us:

You can follow Tarrin on Instagram @tarringililand and Haley @haleshunter and on Twitter be sure to follow @hoosiers4good, @tarrindiver1, and @haley_hunter5! And if you don’t already, @jumpinhealth. Keep an eye out for Tarrin and Haley as we partner with them to share our message of 5-2-1-0 and the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy habits, starting in early childhood.
Hoosiers For Good was established in March 2022 to raise awareness for charitable causes throughout Indiana—by partnering local charities with community-minded Hoosier student athletes who choose to use their platform and influence to amplify the philanthropic work that helps our community thrive.
While most people have seen diving in the Olympics, water polo may be unfamiliar to our readers. Jump IN’s Megan McKinney Cooper grew up in California, where Haley is also from, and where water polo is popular. It’s also an extremely difficult sport – there is no touching the bottom of the pool. Here’s a primer on it. And here’s a video of a women’s water polo match from the 2016 games.
Topics: 5210, Community Engagement
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