Keeping kids active and more quarantine resources
With schools being delayed, we’re sharing more tools to keep kids active
Many central Indiana families are finding that their school districts are delaying the start of the school year out of concern for safety. Other districts are switching their teaching to online only. Families that had hoped for the beginning of the school year to look more familiar are discovering this year will just be different. As we work to adjust to all of the changes, it’s important not only to keep our kids safe, but also healthy. To help, we’ve assembled some wonderful tools that parents can use to help incorporate plenty of physical activity into their days – plenty of physical activity helps kids feel good, sleep better, and be healthy.

The many ways to keep your kids moving
The Iowa Healthiest State initiative has a wonderful list of activities that you can do at home to get plenty of physical activity and have fun at the same time. Give it a look and select a couple for you to try.
Our friends at CLOCC (the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children) has a wonderful list of activities, tied in with their 54321! program (similar to the 5-2-1-0 concept of healthy habits that Jump IN promotes. Give it a look – they offer Spanish language versions of all of their tools as well.
Our friends at Action for Healthy Kids have a section of their webpage dedicated to healthy family resources during the time of COVID. These resources are also in Spanish and cover everything from healthy family activities, to grants & support for schools and families, to virtual learning tips.

Announcements and upcoming events
For those who work in early childhood environments, the Child Nutrition Virtual Summit is coming up next month (August). You can register here. Topics to be covered include CACFP compliance, grant writing to support your healthy food program, family-style dining, how to extend CACFP beyond the classroom, child-friendly menu planning, and more.
Speaking of CACFP, the new reimbursement rates have just been released. Following CACPF guidelines is a healthy best practice that Jump IN advocates for and supports.
A reminder that anyone seeking food assistance can access the Community Compass app on their smartphone or tablet. The free app connects the user with a guide to find free groceries and free meals. The app can be downloaded from Apple App Store or Google Play. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can find help by texting “hi” to 317-434-3758.
Getting plenty of fruits and vegetables is often easier in the summer when so many favorites are in season. But plenty of fruits and vegetables are in season all year-round, you just need to know what comes when. Here’s a guide to help you select fresh fruits and vegetables year-round. And don’t forget that canned and frozen, while maybe not as delicious, provide the same benefits as fresh!
Mini Workout of the Week
The Indianapolis Fire Department has been hosting videos on YouTube as part of the Firefighter for a Day camp program. Visit the page to learn more about participating in the program at home and even winning a prize. They’ve been sharing lessons about staying safe in your home, about how firefighters stay safe when they’re fighting fires, and how they stay fit. Today’s video is about getting firefighter fit! You can follow their YouTube channel to receive new videos each day.
Topics: 5210, Physical Activity
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