Kids are watching what adults are doing, so teach them well During this time of quarantine, we’re likely spending much more time with our family members than we normally do. Our kids are seeing our habits up close and learning to imitate them, so we need to be extra mindful of our behaviors. The kids…
Before we get going on food and activity resources, we want to share some important news that $1 million in urgent local funding is being directed to child care providers to cover the child care needs of essential personnel right now. You can read about the initiative here and see an interactive map of providers…
Captain’s log, week two… It’s looking as if out social distancing may last for some time. Schools are closed temporarily, so some of you reading this are trying to balance homeschooling your kids, working full-time from home, and keeping on top of the current news. On top of that we’ve been told to stay home…
Good nutrition is critically important So much of what’s going on in the world right now is beyond our control, but keeping ourselves and our families healthy is of utmost importance. While we are practicing social distancing this month as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus and keep ourselves, our friends, and family healthy,…
Pantry partners join together to help our neighbors in need The Indy Hunger Network reports that 172,510 food-insecure people live in Marion County. That means that 19% of the population doesn’t have access to enough food for everyone in a household. More than 200 food pantries currently support 10,000 food-insecure residents in Marion County and…