50 ways to reduce childhood obesity in central Indiana
Four in ten kids in central Indiana are at an unhealthy weight. That’s nearly a quarter million kids, or enough to fill Lucas Oil Stadium three times.
Because of their weight, these kids are at significantly higher risk for life threatening conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

How did we get here?
The causes of the obesity epidemic are numerous and complex. Food has become highly processed, calorie dense, and “super-sized.” Many families lack access to affordable, healthy food. Children have fewer opportunities to play and be active, as recess and physical education classes have been reduced or cut entirely in schools. Too many kids spend too much time sitting in front of computer screens, tablets, or smart phones. Many of them live in neighborhoods that lack safe places to play.
As a result, simply promoting public awareness and “personal responsibility” will not solve this crisis. There are no simple or one-size-fits-all solutions.
What can we do?
No single entity or organization is able to tackle the childhood obesity issue on its own, but communities that engage a coordinated multi-sector approach to interventions have demonstrated success in reversing the trend of rising obesity rates.
Here are more than 50 ways you can promote healthier living and help reduce childhood obesity in central Indiana, no matter where you are. Click on any item in the lists to learn more about it.
In schools
- Create healthy celebration policies
- Strive for a National Healthy School Award
- Promote physical activity through active recess
- Use brain breaks to encourage movement
- Embrace physical education trends that get all students active
- Use Smarter Lunchroom strategies to encourage healthy eating
- Make breakfast a priority
- Design play areas with activity in mind
- Educate stakeholders on connections between health and achievement
- Include wellness tips in existing communications
In child care
- Engage students in health education
- Help kids move more throughout the day
- Create healthy celebration policies
- Learn through physical activity
- Serve meals family style
- Respond to “picky eaters” in positive ways
- Offer healthy snacks
- Design play areas with activity in mind
- Include wellness tips in existing communications
- Follow CACFP nutrition guidelines
- Encourage active play
- Create a screen time policy
- Talk about food in a positive way
In the workplace
- Understand how wellness affects the bottom line
- Assess the health of your worksite
- Launch a workplace wellness program
- Learn more about wellness programs
- Order a healthier group lunch
- Create a culture that promotes wellness
- Be a role model
- Encourage physical activity during the workday
- Cater healthy meetings and events
- Start an employee wellness program, even if you have no budget
- Encourage the use of stairs
- Provide healthy snack options
- Find out what makes wellness initiatives successful
- Makeover your vending machine
- Include wellness tips in existing communications
- Adopt “Sit for 60, Move for 3” rule
At home
- Strive for 5-2-1-0 everyday
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Choose water, not sports drinks
- Talk about food in a positive way
- Encourage “picky eaters”
- Avoid sugary beverages
- Get at least 1 hour of physical activity daily
- Encourage active play every day
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Choose healthy snacks
- Eat healthier when dining out
- Try your fruits and veggies in a smoothie
This September, in honor of National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, what will you do to ensure that children and families in central Indiana have healthy places to live, work, play, and learn?
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Our robust Resource Hub is full of toolkits and ideas to help you promote healthy choices. You can tailor your search by topic, audience, or resource type. Or simply search by keyword.
Topics: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Schools
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