Planning for healthy meals and snacks—and then doing the shopping—can feel like a lot of work, especially when you’re still transitioning to healthy habits. We’ve made it easier with a simple shopping list, money-saving tips, snack plan, and meal ideas you can customize to your family size and preferences. Shopping List EggsLow-fat milkLow-fat part skim…
As designated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), September is National Childhood Obesity Month. Nationally, roughly one in five children suffers from obesity. In central Indiana, those numbers are worse. Jump IN for Healthy Kids is focused on changing those numbers and helping children and families lead healthier lives. Why is this such a problem? The causes of…
How to use school wellness best practices to make your e-learning experience a healthy one Last week we shared about our school wellness work, which Jump IN has implemented in 49 schools over the last two school-years, impacted tens out thousands of central Indiana kids. This week we’re going to look at taking the lessons…
What is school wellness exactly? All school districts that receive federal funding for free and reduced breakfast and lunch programs are required to have a wellness policy. These policies primarily focus on two areas: healthy food best practices and physical activity best practices. Individual school buildings often have their own wellness policies as well, catered…
You have probably read that portion sizes have increased over the last few decades. You may also know that Americans’ prevalence of overweight and obesity has also increased over the same amount of time. Decreasing portion size is one of the simplest ways to reduce caloric intake and avoid overeating. Appropriate portion sizes change as…