At Jump IN, we offer robust tools on workplace wellness, knowing that what happens in the office influences what happens at home. Never before has that been more true, since for so many people, home-space and office-space are all one. As so many of us adjust to working from home, many workplace wellness strategies can…
These four steps are the simple way for everyone to stay on track 5-2-1-0 is an evidence-based set of simple steps that have shown to help keep a person at a healthy weight if done together on most days. You’re probably doing one, two, three, or even four of these at home already. We know…
What are we all doing? When we first started shifting the subject of our weekly blog posts to adjusting to the shelter-in-place and quarantine during the coronavirus outbreak, it was hard to predict how long our lives would be upended. It appears this new normal is here to stay, to some degree, for quite a…
April 20 – 24 is designated Every Kid Healthy Week, the week to celebrate and commit helping every kid be healthy. Action for Healthy Kids designates the special week to engage children, schools, child cares, and families in healthy behaviors. Each day has a special theme and lots of recommendations for taking healthy actions. You…
This week is designated annually by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, the national quality rating accrediting body for child care providers) as the Week of the Young Child, a time to celebrate and focus on young children and their unique needs and value. This year we will recognize the Week…